Segmented Bowl Workshop

  • September 09, 2014 6:48 AM
    Message # 3095461
    James Russell (Administrator)

    When I showed a few segmented bowls at the last show-and-tell, several members (or more accurately, their wives) expressed an interest in learning the process.  I will be doing a four session workshop (over five weeks).  Since I have a small workshop and only one lathe, the workshop will be more a demonstration than an actual hands-on exercise, but I expect the participants will be doing their own bowls between classes, and bringing the results to the meetings.

    The only prerequisites are an interest in bowl turning (some experience useful, but not required), access to tools to do the project, principally lathe and table saw, and being a current member of EMGW.   There is no charge for the workshop.

    Because of space limitations, I will only be able to work with 4-5 members.  If there is sufficient interest, I will try to schedule a second session later in the season.  Since this is my first attempt at teaching turning, preference for this series will be given to those members with some turning experience. 

    If you are interested in participating, please let me know directly to my e-mail,   Please indicate your level of turning experience. I am going to be away for a bit over a week and will notify those interested on my return sometime around September 21.

    Location:  Home shop of Jonathan Leavy

                4 Eden Ave, Newton, MA 02465

    When: Thursdays 10/2, 10/9, 10/23, 10/30