Traditional Woodworking Interest Group

The first question you may ask is “What is ‘Traditional Woodworking’?”. In this case, it’s nothing more than woodworking powered only by you, the craftsman. Newly formed in 2024, the TWIG is a forum to share the use and care of human-powered tools and the projects in which we use them. It matters not if the tool is old or new. If it does not run on electrons, compressed air, steam, or gasoline it is a candidate for discussion. Group members’ experiences vary; some use hand tools and methods frequently, others turn to them occasionally. Rather, the important criterion for discussion, is the effective and efficient use of a tool whenever it is used.

Meetings occur once a month on the first Tuesday of the month. At present, they are being held virtually (Zoom) but in-person meetings is a format we may explore in the future. Meetings are listed in the Upcoming Guild Events section on the HOME page.  All members are invited to participate.  If you would like to benefit from other member’s shared knowledge of traditional woodworking or if you want to contribute yours to the group, please join us.