Posted Featured Piece for February 2024 "Wedding Arbor" by Don Cole

January 31, 2024 8:21 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

Wedding Arbor

by Don Cole

It gives me great pleasure to bring this Feature Piece to your attention.  Don's arbor was a project but more importantly it was a labor of love.  Now I won't get wishy-washy for you hardcore woodworkers.  But think of the work that went on to mill and build this arbor mostly alone.  The arbor is really tall.  When you see the pictures in the article with people nearby, you will see for yourself.

Don writes about building this piece and it's more involved than what you might guess.  He leads you through the steps from design to choosing the raw boards, felling chosen trees, milling, joinery and all the details that will satisfy your woodworking questions.

But now for the softee part.  Don built arbor for his daughter Katie and groom Jesse.  It was the centerpiece at their outdoor wedding last summer.  You can catch the feel of the work but also the feel of the ceremony and pride that Papa Cole had as Katie glowed under the arbor on her wedding day in Wedding Arbor.  Featured Piece?  You betcha.

Further information can be requested from Don Cole.

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