Posted Alert "EMGW Plans Regarding Covid for In-Person Meetings"

February 02, 2022 10:16 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

Covid cases are declining in Massachusetts after peaking in January.  So, we are planning how to proceed as the cases continue to decline.  We realize that another variant may emerge or that the pandemic is not going to end abruptly.  But that does not mean we will wait for zero cases for a specific consecutive number of months before we re-institute in-person meetings.

With that in mind, we want to alert you to what has been going on.  Our plans consist of both health and logistical concerns.  Our earliest opportunity, assuming a further decline in cases, is to have the March 12 meeting in-person with strict adherence to Covid vaccination, social distancing, and mask wearing.  Specifically, all members planning to attend in person must: 

  • Preregister with affirmation of being fully vaccinated including booster shot.
  • Agree to wear an effective, non-cloth mask, such as a surgical mask, or the preferred N95 or KN95 models, throughout the meeting in deference to the speaker and fellow members.
  • Adhere to EMGW guidelines for social distancing while in the building.

The mechanism for preregistration will be performed via the EMGW website, and further instructions will be included in the March meeting reminder email, along with status regarding the viability of a March in-person meeting.

In addition, we are working to provide Zoom access and video recording during in-person meetings.  The ability to offer these features are based on volunteers to video the speaker and pertinent props.  Please contact Ken Zoller if you would like to help.