Posted September 2021 Bevel Cut article "You Can't Sit in a CAD Chair " by Andrew Davis

September 01, 2021 10:44 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

You Can't Sit in a CAD Chair

by Andrew Davis

How can a woodworker design comfort?  It is more workable when designing, say a chair, for a specific person.  But it is still difficult.  Trial and error is sure to follow.  We have many woodworkers who have taken on the comfort challenge.

Now think about designing for the general user.  I remember guild member Steve McKenna demonstrated his rocking chair several years ago at a Show and Tell annual meeting when it was held in person.  The various members present sat in it, tried it out and it was a remarkable success.  So it can be done.

Andrew has given this issue of designing comfort some thought and writes about it in his newest Bevel Cut article culminating with his conclusion.

Andrew welcomes your feedback.