Architectural Woodcarving, Wood Turning & Bagpipes

  • November 12, 2016
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Woodcraft of Woburn 185 New Boston St, Woburn

Our presenter, Michael Dow, has been a professional woodworker for more than 35 years.  His work includes such diverse items as hand carved signs, architectural embellishments, headstones, bagpipe parts, wooden Indians and much more.  He will discuss all of these as well as his experience running a one-man shop.  For more visit his website at:

Select Mentors from the Members tab if you would like help in pursuing topics covered at this meeting.  Jim Tartaglia, Jim Russell, Fritz Smith, and Dana Farmer are mentors with carving experience.  Peter Wilcox, and several others, are wood turners.

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